Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Defining Moments & Left Standing Moments...

In regards to goals - I've been thinking more about what has defined me and what instances in life have cause me to be left standing in reflection...
"Our true character surfaces during these profound moments of contemplation and reflection; it defines us as individuals - our lives are forever altered."
Left Standing preface by Chad J. Bring
Defining moments (also some accomplishments)
  • Buying my first house
  • Finishing my first book
  • Standing before the crowd at our (RoomMate Productions) first movie premiere
  • My testimony
  • My spiritual retreat ("Walk to Emmaus" in 2001)
  • Graduating college - Wayne State College
  • Hearing from various people that said, “I couldn’t put Left Standing down.”

    Left Standing Moments
  • At the scene of the accident where my friend was killed
  • After the doctor left having just told me I was diabetic
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