Saturday, August 12, 2006

An evening at Starbucks...

I arrived at the Blondo Starbucks around six. After setting up my computer and ordering something cold, I sat down to make revisions to Left Unsaid. Both correcting editing marks I had made in my manuscript and suggestions from the writer's group from Wednesday's meeting.

After a break from my sister calling and a snack, I continued writing my additional pages to send to a few 'select' people to review and provide editing changes and other feedback.

My first version of Left Unsaid didn't fly too well from last November - it was too depressing. However, I saved it (always save what you write), and I was able to include some of it in (rough draft) version II. With a few tweaks to it and I am now 16% into the rough draft. Ironicailly, I'm sitting in the same seat at Starbucks that I did last November. However, today's writing is much better.

It is cold here so I'm going to leave - three hours later.

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