Friday, January 21, 2005

Busy weekend ahead...

After work last night I went to get my hair cut then I headed over to Brad & Julia’s to talk about “Kitty Cats & Exit Signs” - which we never got around to.
I brought some Moscato wine and cheesecake and Julia made some spaghetti.
We chatted about movies, music, and life in general. I didn’t get home until just before mid-night so I’m a wee bit tired, but I had a great time.

After work tonight I’ll be heading to the gym, then I think I’ll be getting my pic taken for my author bio and finish up changes on “Left Standing” proofs, so the book can be done before April.

Here is the first attempt at writing the theme to “Left Standing” - it still uses too many words from my preface:
Change is constant and a constant struggle we have in our lives.
How we think of change and approach it makes who we are - in the sense that we either let it direct our path in life we control our own change. Things happen in life... such as breakups and close ones dying - we can't control - but we go on living. We are left standing before a new path - maybe single again or mourning loss. We take our next step and sometimes wonder why we took that path and often try to understand our choices. In the end, we learn from our mistakes... from our change that helps us grow and we continue to walk a path - the path that makes the most sense and hope there are less 'bumps of change on the way'. Life-changing experiences are few, but we can remember each one and how that change has affected our lives.

In the end I hope the reader will look at their own life and the choices they have made and the changes in their life that they foresee ahead and prepare themselves for things in their life they may not be able to control!

1 comment:

-KL said...

Oooooooh suuuuuuuure. Take cheesecake to Brad & Julia's. Where's our friggin' cheesecake?! =P

Oh, and are you aware that your blog id has 666 in it? Not a good sign, Chadly. ;)

Have a great weekend!!