This weekend was pretty much devoted to the Hot Shops Film Festival where “Silence” was showing. It (Silence) froze on Friday night, played at 10pm Saturday, and to a crowd of 9 on Sunday. I saw some of the other films – some where good, some were pretty odd. I had a chance to see Extreme Films' “Shadow Board” and was very impressed. I forgot I was in it, so to see myself was funny. The awards ceremony is next week. I think Red Frogs’ “Bruised” will win 1st, but if not, maybe “Silence” will!
We (Eric, Adam F., & I) interviewed for a news broadcast again, but not sure when it will show. I hope it broadcasts - I gave them a copy of "Silence" to use in the broadcast.
Work bought everyone a pedometer – even though I have a desk job, I do walk around a bit. More than 3,000 steps so far.
Tonight is “How I Met Your Mother” (new episode) and a 2 hour episode of “24”.
Oh yeah, I did go on that 'date' - but more about that later...
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