Friday, December 30, 2005

A post about SEO... (work-related)

2006 SEO Predictions

2. Usability and Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is going to continue to be the most important facet of search marketing however, the process of SEO is going to evolve enormously over the coming year. A large part of the focus will shift towards website functionality and usability for two reasons. First, search engine algorithms are increasingly taking user-experience into consideration when calculating ranking. Secondly, mainstream advertisers are moving back towards SEO but those advertisers will require something stronger than Top10 placements to justify spending money on the mysterious marketing miracle SEO represents. When an SEO can tell his or her clients they will not only get strong placements but will also get a website redeveloped specifically to increase conversions, that SEO will make more sales. Look for most of us (SEOs) to start talking about usability and conversions as a standard part of our services.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great article. I learned some great tips and pointers. Thanks for the information!!