Monday, May 09, 2005

Time for another weekend update...?

Friday night, I left work to go film a few scenes. Then I rented "House of Flying Daggers". The movie was okay, I liked "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" a lot better.

Saturday morning, WAY early RoomMate Productions & Extreme Films got up early to shoot an additional scene for “Kitty Cats & Exit Signs”. After filming, I rushed over to Best Buy to buy a laptop. I had ordered one on the fifth, but since the store had it in stock (online was on backorder), I canceled my online order. I then went to Scooters Coffee Shop and plugged in and downloaded my emails and a bunch of programs I need. Then... "The Gang" (Eric, Angie, Adam, & Christi minus Alyssa) met up at Chili’s to celebrate Christi’s birthday. Then we headed to their place for ice-cream cake (yumm) and a round of Scene-It. I lost, but had fun!

On Sunday I headed to church, but had to leave early (so, once again - didn't get a chance to talk to 'her') to get to Lincoln to go to a play at the community playhouse with my parents and grandparents. Good Tom Sawyer play. The lead was my third grade teacher’s son. She was there and remembered me actually. I forgot to plug my book.
I had a splitting headache to I napped and got up just in time for dinner.

This week I’ll be doing more with my laptop and selling my old one. I really need to rearrange my apartment and can’t wait for high speed access on Saturday. After all, I work at an online retailer and my job focuses around search engine optimization – so I should really have high speed. I don’t want to be the laughing stock of my company.

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