Sunday, April 10, 2005

Here is how it (didn't go down)...

I walked into the gym where they hold Axxcess and sat in 'my chair'. I read through the events of the day - then looked up and saw 'her' sitting alone, waiting for her friends to join her. I could have gone over then, but I didn't want it to seem like I was trying to invite myself to sit with her.

Later her friends joined along with a guy I consistently see her with (doh). Then, they all got up and moved a few rows behind me on my right. Weird. I figure later that an usher asked them to move to make way for some other people since the service was done by some high school kids.

I did all I could to not look back toward her.

Once the service was over, I spotted a fellow Wayne State grad I used to live across from. He and his GF (and I) proceed to chat for about 15 minutes. In that time, I saw 'her' and her friends leave. BUMMER.... It was good to catch up with Doug and find out her goes to Christ Community.

We said our goodbyes and since 'she' wasn't there - I proceeded to leave.

I walked out the door and tried to remember where I parked. Four girls were standing in the middle of the pathway - I moved around them and smiled at one.
Once I sat in my car I realized the girl I smiled at was 'her' friend - so then my mind went back and I realized that 'she' was one of the four standing there. I looked over to were they were standing, but they had since dispersed.

Who knows, maybe one of the next weekends I'll drive up in the morning from Lincoln.

In hindsight, I should have talked to her while she was alone. Who knows if she was waiting for me (yeah right) since looking back I remember 'she' ALWAYS comes in with her friends.

Until next time.... my quest continues...

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