Saturday, March 01, 2008

mini vaca...

I decided to take leap day off and hang in Lincoln. I was overdue for a day off and decided to see what some of my Lincoln posse was up to.

Thursday night I dropped off some stuff at my parents' house and talked to them for a bit before heading to my long-time friend Natalie's house. Her daughter had sold me some Girl Scout cookies + I haven't seen them for a few months, nor Natalie's husband. Carmel delights. Yumm. Good chat. Needed.

Friday morning I woke up too early for being a day off. Eventually I picked up my good pal Mike and headed to Perkins to chat about a website he wants to put together and his new cleaning business. I hung around with him, his wife, and kids for a bit of the afternoon before going to see my grandama.

(People visited count = 11 not counting the waitress)

That night, my parents, my aunt, & I went to Lone Star. Finally, that night I met up with an old Wayne State classmate and two of her friends at Magnolia's in the Haymarket. We eventually went to see "Definately, Maybe" which was like "How I Met Your Mother" meets "Serendipity" and other movies. The pacing of the film seemed off. Either really good or really slow. The little girl played by Abigail Breslin did an awesome job. You should also recognize her as the girl from, "Little Miss Sunshine" & "No Reservations" & "Raising Helen" & "Signs".

(total people visited count = 15 not waiters/waitresses, etc.)

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