Thursday, November 23, 2006

I'm Thankful...

  • I'm thankful I've had a job at the same company for three years (I've been laid off)

  • I'm thankful I have great friends (some have come and gone and others have stuck by me)

  • I'm thankful I have a house to call home (no more rent)

  • I'm thankful I have the creative freedom to write books (even if I claim writer's block too often)

  • I'm thankful for my family (I miss those who are already with God – esp this year with Gramp's passing)

  • I'm thankful for RoomMate Productions (hobbies keep me from being bored)

  • I'm thankful for my car that gets me from point A to B without complaining (I owned a lemon car in college)

  • I'm thankful that I'm healthy right now (I spent two days in the hospital in June)

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