Monday, October 16, 2006

Da Weekend...

I was ill most of the weekend, but felt okay enough to go to Alyssa's bday party. Luckily the drugs had kicked in by then so I was feeling better, although this morning I had a killer headache, I haven't had one of those for awhile.
It was good to see Adam & Christi's fam along with Brad & Julia, and the Dwights and my Goddaughter.

Also, I went to Nebraska Furniture Mart and got a good deal on Scrubs Season IV (thanks Christi) and I also rented Click. The movie reminded me of The Family Man & Bruce Almighty.

Today is my third anniversary at work. The longest I've ever worked for a company.
And I must give a shout-out to my Pops and my pal Mike who both started new jobs last week!

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