Wednesday, April 26, 2006


"Success is in the details..."


Sarah said...

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to argue your statement.

A person too focused on the details (particularly, trying to control the little details), does not trust God, and will never be truly happy or successful. However, a person who finds joy in the details of the tasks he/she faces daily, whether good or bad, now that would be a successful person (in my humble opinion).

Gotta keep you on your toes...

Adam said...

Yea Chad, you need to explain what you mean.

Chad said...

More along the lines of errors caused by overlooking the details and how we handle those errors...

I don't try to control every detail, people that do that annoy me. I had to handle about 40 details of the premiere; with a bit of diligence... the premiere was a success.

My book has more typos than I want to admit, it makes me human, although at times knowing they are in there is embarrassing... I move on. I would feel the book would be a better success had it not had as many typos.

However, I can learn from this experience and use it when it comes to book #2...