Friday, April 28, 2006


One of those days... it has been raining off and on - all day.

Last night I headed over to Adam & Christi’s to wish Adam a happy birthday and discuss a new website I want to build. After some discussion, we finally got on the same page about it and I went home and started building it. I figure, I’ll launch it on my birthday late next month – which gives me a deadline, something I should define for Left Unsaid. I’m template hunting now. The thrill of the hunt isn’t so thrilling anymore.

Over lunch I hit Barnes & Noble (more thrilling hunt) and looked at the bargain books. I found two books and a magazine for $13 – not too bad. They have a whole bargain book reference section. I guess May is ‘write-left-unsaid-month’... (don't be so shocked people - haha) Now that I have plenty of reference materials, an ‘office set-up’, a few people ‘demanding’ book #2, and if it keeps raining – I have no other excuses.

Tonight, Adam & Christi are moving – so I’ll give them a hand – not sure how much they’ll want to move with the rain and all.
Tomorrow, I’m hanging with friends & family, who knows – I may have my camera tonight so I can take some pics tomorrow.
Sunday, good ‘ole ‘STOP’ class… I had a lead foot and a (cough) ‘misconception’ (cough) about what they speed was.
(other excuses to follow)

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