Thursday, January 05, 2006

It has been awhile...

It has been awhile since I’ve blogged anything ‘substantial’ – all apologies.

Scrubs is back, although the first two episodes for this season weren’t as funny as one would have thought.

Last night I plugged away on the new design for – I’m finally getting the hang of it and hope to finish it over the weekend. Midnight came too fast – so, I’m a bit tired today. With the new layout, I can incorporate some things I learn from work... so, since I’m excited about it - you should be too!

Premiere planning is the next big thing going on. A weekend set of dates for the showings is in mind (maybe early Feb) and building the contact list is in the works. I put a bug in a few people’s ears to help spread the word & write pre-reviews once the dates are set in stone.

Tonight, RMP is going to timeline what we have yet to do, throw some songs and sound effects into “Kitty Cats & Exit Signs”, and discuss how we are going to fill the seats for all five showings.
As for new years resolutions, I haven’t plotted mine out yet. But you can guess – I resolve to complete Left Unsaid this year. More resolutions to come...
Birthday Shout Outs:
A happy birthday shout out goes to my “niece” Ashley, she turns 6 today. Another trip to Lincoln is in the works for her ‘party’ later this month! What do 6 year olds want these days?

Another shout out goes to my friend Jessie who is 29 today, I dropped her a card in the mail today – oops – the birthday came up too fast!

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