Wednesday, June 01, 2005

45 days to go...

I’m getting anxious to move in to my new house – imagine that. Much needs to be lined up before that can happen.

Inspectors, title insurance, finalizing the loan and getting the commitment letter, lining up people to help me move (trucks too), not to mention cleaning my current place so I can get the most out of my security deposit. My closing date is the 15th of July which leaves me a weekend to move small stuff, another for big stuff, and the final weekend cleaning the old apartment.

(change of subject)
I created a Google Adwords campaign for book and author related terms. Basically, I am paying so an advertisement about Left Standing comes up every time someone searches for a word on google like "new author". I can’t recall how much that word is. The company I work for does this on a very large scale so I know how to do it.
In May I had 99 clicks to It only cost me $16.87. For all my terms, there were 8,092 searches in google during the month of May. Now, unless they come to my site and buy from, I have no idea how effective my advertising is. Unfortunately, I’ll won't find out for another month from my publisher how many books I sold.
I am also bidding local filmmaker terms that only people with Omaha IP addresses can see. So far it hasn’t cost anything. However, if someone in Omaha wants to search for “Halfway Point” they can check out RoomMate Productions.

A friend at work is creating an Omaha Events Calendar with local entertainment like The calendar allows artists and others to post their events for free.

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