Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Waiting patiently…

I am patiently awaiting iUniverse to put “Left Standing” into a proof I can review. This process takes up to two weeks, I hope they say that long so they are on the safe side and I get the proofs to review right away. I then have two weeks to review the proofs and make any corrections before I send it back, I won't take that long. Then they have two weeks to take my changes and make a binded book, then they send me copies. While my copies are shipping, they make a place on their site for people to buy books. In the following two months, book stores such as Barnes & Noble,, and Amazon catalog my book for sales on their online stores. Borders and B&N will have it available special order.

So even though I’ll have my books and people can buy them at – they may not be able to buy them anywhere else for awhile. That will push back my marketing schedule a bit, but the more places the book is available – the better.

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