Thursday, January 27, 2005

My part is done...

Last night (approximately 8:16 p.m.) – I emailed my final changes to iUniverse for “Left Standing”. I only had two changes. It is now out of my hands and into iUniverse’s - to finish production. A strange feeling: Part relief; Part Excitement; Part (great) anticipation for what’s to come in the coming months as I promote it and I gain feedback from (hopefully) many many who read it. I’m trying to gear up for all the work I have ahead of me with promoting. The ultimate goal being - have the book fall into the right hands of someone – someone, who (hopefully) sees the talent and the potential. I must maintain patience and persistence.

I’m still stuffed up and I found out Eric is sick, so our journey to Kearney tomorrow for the Central Nebraska Film Festival should be interesting.

I picked my new glasses last night. My old ones were truly old, small frame, big lenses, and even a cracked lens – needless to say, I was in dire need of a new pair.
The lenses in my new pair are about half the size of my old pair, the important thing is the prescription is updated and I’m not embarrassed to wear them.

Although I am not 100%, I still plan to work out tonight as I don’t think I’ll have a chance during the festival.

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